What are the benefits of Grapeseed Oil?

Date Posted:22 February 2023 

Grapeseed oil has been growing in popularity over the past few decades. Grapeseed oil contains high levels of vitamin E, which has high antioxidant properties, and offers a variety of Hair and Health Benefits.

Here are just some of the many benefits our Grapeseed Oil can offer you.

Grapeseed Oil - Health Benefits

  • Supports the Immune System through Vitamin E that stimulates the production of natural killer cells, and B cells, which help the response to bacterial infections
  • Speed up wound healing by promoting healing of damaged vascular structures, and destroying bacteria which may impact the body’s ability to heal and recover.
  • Can improve your Cholesterol Profile as it is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).
  • Reduces Swelling from a variety of causes such as an inflammatory process or due to abnormal fluid retention.
  • May reduce Cancer Risk by containing a high level of anti-inflammatory compounds, such as Vitamin E and linoleic acid that work to reduce the damage from a highly processed food diet that promote cancer.
  • Help reduce Scarring through the Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin D, which all work together to reduce visible skin damage.
  • Treat Acne and Remnants of Acne with its astringent properties which close up pores, reduce the appearance of scars, and can actively reduce pimples and inflamed areas of the skin.

Grapeseed Oil - Hair Benefits

Works for most Hair Types including Color-treated, although is especially good for thin and fine hair types.

  • Helps with Hair growth through Vitamin E, Flavonoids, Linoleic Acid, and OPC’s.
  • Reduces Hair Loss
  • Natural Moisturizer that hydrates and seals in moisture that won’t leave your hair feeling greasy due to its lightweight texture.
  • Tames frizz and blocks split ends
  • Reduces dandruff due to its high content of nutrients and emollient properties that can reduce dandruff production by stimulating new, healthy cell growth.
  • Help strengthen weak and brittle hair
  • Protects against UV damage by containing a high amount of antioxidants
  • Soothes itchy and flaky scalp

Grapeseed Oil - Hair Application

  • Directly on hair if you want to use Grapeseed oil to de-frizz or as a cuticle sealer, apply roughly a 5 cent coin amount onto damp hair and comb through from the root to ends daily.
  • Mix into conditioner if you want to use Grapeseed Oil as a hydrator add roughly a 5 cent amount to your current conditioner.
  • Apply directly to scalp if you want to use Grapeseed Oil for scalp treatment, use a dropper and apply a few drops directly into your scalp area and massage it in two times a week.

Cooking with Grapeseed Oil

Our Grapeseed Oil is also ideal for cooking due to its high smoking point.? This means it is able to withstand a higher heat (216° C) than most other cooking oils before it reaches burning poin, at which the fat begins to oxidize, and the taste can become unappealing.

Check our our healthy recipe ideas.

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